Our Mission

Through disruptive altruism we empower people who are
not affluent to behave altruistically, something normally
reserved for the wealthy.

Our Mission

Through disruptive altruism we empower people who are not affluent to behave altruistically, something normally reserved for the wealthy.

how we're
making a

At Causevest we believe in disruptive altruism. Through disruptive altruism we empower people who are not affluent to behave altruistically, something normally reserved for the wealthy.

With your help The Causevest Foundation supports local communities across the world to achieve the greatest positive social impact. We are on a mission to enable disruptive altruism. By working with activists on the ground, we aim to make the biggest impact with your donation. Whether that be operating with bio hackers, feminists or activists. We help causes that are making a difference in the world.

Our goals for 2025 are to build up our altruistic community, finish development on our charitable platform and support causes across the world. With our operators we will discover disruptive causes to support to create the biggest positive impact.

how we're making
a difference

At Causevest we believe in disruptive altruism. Through disruptive altruism we empower people who are not affluent to behave altruistically, something normally reserved for the wealthy.

With your help The Causevest Foundation supports local communities across the world to achieve the greatest positive social impact. We are on a mission to enable disruptive altruism. By working with activists on the ground, we aim to make the biggest impact with your donation. Whether that be operating with bio hackers, feminists or activists. We help causes that are making a difference in the world.

Our goals for 2022 are to build up our altruistic community, finish development on our charitable platform and support causes across the world. With our operators we will discover disruptive causes to support to create the biggest positive impact.

Goals for 2025

We’re committed to transparency and integrity with our community, our goals and targets are clear and defined so you can see for yourself that we fulfill our promises.


Build up our altruistic community

Monetary Support

We are currently on a mission to monetarily help 20 causes this year


Expand our network to 3 continents to disruptive causes that can do the most good.


Finish development of our charitable platform

Goals for 2025

We’re committed to transparency and integrity with our community, our goals and targets are clear and defined so you can see for yourself that we fulfill our promises.


Build up our altruistic community

Monetary Support

We are currently on a mission to monetarily help 20 causes this year


Expand our network to 3 continents to disruptive causes that can do the most good.


Finish development of our charitable platform


Our Impact


We have supported over
30 causes

Creation of respirators

We have worked alongside Techno Hackivists to support the creation of respirators to fight Covid

Refugee assistance

We have worked alongside Ukrainian activists to get minority refugees out of the war-torn country

Our Impact


We have supported over
30 causes

Creation of respirators

We have worked alongside Techno Hackivists to support the creation of respirators to fight Covid

Refugee assistance

We have worked alongside Ukrainian activists to get minority refugees out of the war-torn country


We are proud to have worked with activists, artists, charities
and other organizations to address complex challenges.

Past Causes

Past Causes

CauseCategoryLocationDonationDate ConfirmedDescription
CoronaVirusTech HandbookHealthcareLondon£500 21/04/2020The Coronavirus Tech Handbook is a group of technologicists who banded together to amass and open source all knowledge on coronavirus and how to combat it, so that the entire world could benefit.
Doctors Without BordersHealthcareLondon£500 21/04/2020 Doctors Without Borders is a charity that provides humanitarian medical care throughout the world, particurly conflict zones and in countries affected by endemic diseases.
Ray of SunshineHealthcareLondon£500 21/04/2020 A charity that brightens the lives of seriously ill young people by granting wishes and providing ongoing support in hospital and within the community.
Solace Women's AidHealthcareLondon£500 21/04/2020 Solace Women’s Aid exists to end the harm done through gender-based violence and providing services to meet the individual needs of survivors.
Royal Society for the Protection of BirdsAnimalsLondon£50021/04/2020The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds promote conservation and protection of birds and the wider environment through public awareness campaigns and through the operation of nature reserves.